How to be active the whole day
Being Active and Energetic: Few Tips Everyone wants to be active and energetic throughout the day, but they lack some skills which are essential. Some important aspects are narrated by the presenter in a video and these tips are given below, Tip 1. Control stress Tip 2. Regular exercise Tip 3. Estimate the time for your task. Tip 4. Eat for energy Tip 5. Drink water at regular intervals Tip 6. Expose yourself to natural sunlight Tip 7. Break your snacks intake through the day Tip 8. Adopt a good sleeping habit This is a video on "Being active and energetic few tips". The Concept, Script, Narration is by Dr. Mohasina Anjum A. Ansari . This is useful for those who want to learn to be active, energetic 24/7. Please watch, subscribe and share. How to be active the whole day