
The Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) works for reducing the gap between forward and backward communities by working for the linguistic minority in this nation. This University is mandated for the development of Urdu language, culture and tries to lift upward the stake holders to modern day requirement. The teacher education programmes of this university, not only targets the teachers but, indirectly the society’s requirement by improving the classroom transaction at schools. The distance mode of teacher education programme has been instrumental in training the teachers by use of various Information Communication Technologies (ICTs). The authors try to present use of these technologies at different stages of teacher education programme at this university, based on their practical experiences. An attempt is also made for listing out the scope of ICT in teacher education programme in India.

Keywords: ICT, Teacher Education, MANUU

Introduction to the University (MANUU)

The Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is established by an act of Parliament in 1998 with Hyderabad as its headquarters. This University covers the entire geographical length and breadth of nation through its network of Regional, Sub-Regional and Study Centres, which form part of its distance wing. The University has mandate to impart education through regular mode along with its distance programmes. The regular campus of the University is extended with the establishment of its constituent Colleges of Teacher Education, Polytechnics and Industrial Training Institutes. The University has to impart education in Urdu Medium and specifically cover female section of the society. The programmes are to be provided in regular disciplines with special focus on professional and technical areas also. The University is running teacher education programmes, both in its campus and distance mode which includes D.Ed., B.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes.

Characteristics features of Urdu teacher trainees

The role of ICT use in MANUU can be better understood only in the context of its target community.

  1. The Urdu schools across the nation have trained teachers at primary level. They have upgraded their qualification by acquiring degrees under distance mode (some of them are MANUU graduates, but they could not undergo B.Ed. programmes because they do not have Urdu Medium training programmes in distance mode or / and at the same time they could not afford to undergo campus based teacher education programmes, as it needs full time attendance, which results in leave without pay. This creates economic problems for poor teachers.
  2. The status of Urdu is such that it is spoken by all in India, but it is not an official language of any state in its true sense. Thus, it has reduced state support on opening of training colleges in Urdu.
  3. Learners in Urdu language are “Jack of all trades, but master on none”, as they know their mother tongue (Urdu), State or Regional Language, National Language, International Language (English). However, none of the above language is learned to such an extent that the learners feel comfortable for learning degree programmes in that language. Among these languages Urdu is considered to be a more comfortable medium of learning but, this also has influence of local, regional and state dialects.
  4. The potential B.Ed. trainees lack exposer to Information Communication Technologies (ICT) like Print, radio, Television, Video, Computers etc.

Challenges for MANUU’s teacher education programme

In this context the role of MANUU for educating the community in Urdu which is transition and literally lacking the sense of digital awareness is very tough.

  • This is a first attempt in India after independence to offer entire teacher education programme in Urdu.
  • The less number of expertise available in teacher education in Urdu has to be pooled. This creates problems at planning, formation of Board of Studies, Board of Examinations, Evaluation of theory and assignment becomes purely internal if only Urdu knowing internal staff is involved.
  • Lack of reference books in Urdu as teacher education especially on contemporary issues.
  • Lack of educational technologies consensus among Urdu teacher educators especially on technological terms.
  • Non-suitability of Urdu fonts for computer leading to lesser use of computers and thereby affecting use of Television and Video medium. This has been overcome in the last few year due to advancement in technology and increase in number of Urdu users of computers. But, this language still has more problems compared to other Indian languages.
  • Scattered Urdu linguistic minority population and lack of Government support and sometime aversive techniques of officials.
  • Lack of awareness and competition among learners lead to low performance. This is also because performers and people from well off families excel and get admission in general teachers training institutes and less interested in learning in Urdu. Thus, remainder is received by this institute.
  • Non-availability of psychological tests, academic and official records for trainees.

A view of Teacher Education of Programmes of MANUU

The knowledge of teacher trainees of Urdu Medium and the limitations of Urdu as a medium of instruction is quite significant in deciding launch of teacher education programmes. The MANUU has played a greater role in reviving teacher education programmes in Urdu Medium. It is noteworthy that the teacher education programme were gradually introduced in this institution. Diploma in Education (D.Ed.) as on campus programme has credit to it of being first on campus programme of MANUU. This was followed by introduction of on campus and distance mode B.Ed. programmes along with Diploma in Primary Education (DPE) in distance mode. Further, on the one hand the collaborative B.Ed. programme with IGNOU in distance mode was individualised and on the other on campus programme was extended to other constituent colleges of education across the nation. This was followed by introduction of M.Ed. in on campus mode and education department was extended with research activities by initiation of Ph.D. programmes. In all the above activities the teacher educators of regular Universities were involved for qualitative developments at various stages. On campus programmes started with curriculum and reference books framing in English while the distance mode (DM) programmes required translation of huge amount of Self Learning Material (SLM) into Urdu. A look at B.Ed. teacher education programme gives us information that it has all the courses of general B.Ed. programmes. The place of Methodology of teaching English is also intact. However, the students entering this methodology are not due to their passion but due to career promotional prospectus. Hence, the difference among candidates of general Teacher Training Institutes (TTIs) and MANUU’s trainees is quite evident.

Further, a table is given below which show total number of English Methodology students in MANUU’s B.Ed. (DM) programme.

Table showing number of English Methodology students in B.Ed. (DM) of MANUU



Total Admission

Methodology of teaching English

% of Admissions












100% students had freedom to opt this method















30% students of Maths Background could not fit this method








There is decline in enrolment percentage in year 2008 and 2009. This decline is due to the policy change in admission procedure of MANUU’s (DM) programme. Earlier in first two batches all students had equal opportunity of choosing English Methodology, but in later two batches the students were selected in Entrance in Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Methodologies based on their degree backgrounds and then they had to select their second Methodology as per suitability and choice. This restricted about 30% of Mathematics candidates to opt out of English Methodologies as they had to opt for Science Methodology only. Moreover, another analysis indicates that 100 students had to opt for 200 methodologies from among available 6 methodologies. Hence, an overall 33.34% of students should have opted for each methodology i.e. English Methodology also. But the data reveals that the admission is quite low. This may be due to the fact that English learners have good opportunities for doing B.Ed. from institutes like IGNOU and other general state open Universities, they do not prefer MANUU. Among the available data most of the students revealed that they have to do additional English degree and hence selected English Method for better promotional avenues. This speaks that quality of English Entrants in MANUU is not up to the marks.

This leads us to concluded that the issues and/or facilities of this methodology learners are same as that of other methodology course students of B.Ed. (DM) programme of MANUU. This has a strong premise for further discussion that the issues of use of ICT for all the students of MANUU are similar.

Structure of flow of ICT

The ICT use is found at all the stages of the academic structure of MANUU. It is mostly the DDE headquarters, which generates the information and students who receive the information. But, it is also possible that the students place their requirement through Programme Centres, Regional Centres to generate newer ways of communication. Briefly speaking print, Phone (Fax, Mobile), Audio-Video, Computers and Internet are being used by MANUU.

The technological equipments for facilitating use of ICT have been supplied by the University till the (Sub) Regional Centres (as the case may be). The programme centres have been identified in such a way that they have facilities for use of ICT. Students-teachers are asked to make use of the suitable sources for the use of ICT. The audio, video programmes are generated by the headquarters based on felt needs, available expertise and funds. However, the indirectly felt needs of learners communicate through phone, email are also heard and suitable programmes are being prepared.

Use of ICT in Teacher Education

The ICT is a buzzword today. It is being used in education very often. The lack of use speaks of backwardness of the society and reflects digital divide. Urdu teaching community especially MANUU has not remained unaffected by its onslaught. ICT is being used at planning, execution and evaluation stages by different levels of offices.

In this article we have used ICT i.e. Information Communication Technology as a diverse set of technological gadgets, devices and resources that invariable support teaching, learning, student support, programme management and a range of activities in education. These devices are used to create, disseminate, store and manage information.

The technologies discussed in this paper include print material, computer, internet (website based information, online audio, video material, email), radio, television transmission (audio, video programme dissemination) telephone, fax, SMS and (mobile telephony) etc.

The MANUU has not remained unaffected by the developments in ICT sectors. The ICT is being utilised directly or indirectly for the benefits of learners. This makes the learner to attempt to use locally available technological gadgets or devices and in a way reduces the digital divide among the haves and have nots. The ICT used in MANUU has been discussed based on three major stages of student-teachers viz., Pre-Admission and Admission, Post Admission, Term End Examination and Post Examination.

Pre-Admission and Admission

The admission procedure starts with planning of various events. Meetings of high level officials are arranged to introspect previous years experiences and device new strategies. The telephone (intercom), mobile, fax play important role in arrangement of the meetings. The computer based database available with department help in taking stock of requirements of prospectus. The necessary corrections are incorporated in the prospectus and the prospectus is forwarded in inpage (DTP software for Urdu Typing) or pdf format to the printer. Based on the indent supplied by all the Regional Centres and headquarters consolidates data forward it to the printer for further supply of prospectus to the concerned sale counters. These are generally sub-Regional Centres (SRCs), Regional Centres (RCs), headquarters (HQ). The copy of the prospectus is also placed on the University website. The information about the commencement of programmes are given as television scrolling in ETV Urdu. Briefings are also given in radio and newspaper, which serves as the technology use for educational purpose. The students are given pre-admission counselling over telephone (both landline and mobiles) for various issues pertaining to pre-admission process. The database of forms submitted at Regional Centres is then prepared, which helps in Hall Ticket Number allotment, printing of labels of candidates’ addresses for dispatch of hall tickets. The data so obtained are placed on the University website. This ensures that the data are not modified after the exams at any level. The Optical Mark Reader (OMR) is being used for providing responses. This material is evaluated by OMR machine, which has expedited the evaluation process. The results thus, obtained are analysed and declared on the University website. The results are then put to analyses and declared on the University website. The results are then put to analyses and category wise list of selected candidates is prepared by use of computers. It is to be noted that the University follows Central Government norms and policy of reservation is being followed in preparation of provisionally selected merit list in Mathematics, Social Studies and Science categories. Computers play an important role in analyses, synthesis and report generation. The candidates are informed about their selection, venue of counselling through printed matter but computer is used in generation of reports. For the co-ordination of entire process headquarters, (sub) Regional Centres, Programme Centres are in touch with each other by way of telephone, mobile, fax, internet, email. The lists of finally admitted candidates are thus, given a shape of database in computers. This helps the University till the completion of entire programme of trainee-teachers. The data such as name, father’s name, address, methodology and optional courses help in dispatching of programme material, assignment, exam forms and preparation of final results. The students have to report for any correction to the headquarters through their programme centres. This data is maintained for longer duration or at least till the completion of maximum duration of the learners i.e. 4 years for B.Ed. (DM) programme.

Post admission

The database prepared in the previous stage is the backbone for the entire duration of B.Ed. programme for the learner. This is continuously upgraded at the programme centres and at the end of the year at the headquarters. The data guides the headquarters in taking decisions regarding - supply of SLM, assignment copies, counsellors training, communication to learners as and when necessary. This helps in monitoring the submission of pending documents of the candidates (if any). Such monitoring has lead to cancellation of admission of fake candidates who were admitted against Other Backward Classes (OBC) category. A serious vigil is also kept on trainee-teachers who have been admitted to B.Ed. on fake experience certificates through constant co-ordination with state education officials. The computers have been useful in preparation of SLM and storage. Counselling and workshops schedules are prepared at the programme centres by use of computers.

The University has set-up its own Instructional Media Centre (IMC). This helps in recording, producing of audio and video programmes. Till the arousal of such a setup the University has made use of All India Radio (AIR) for recording and broadcast of audio programmes and Mana TV studio, B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), Hyderabad for recording video programmes. These programmes are recorded and supplied in the form in the form of CDs to concerned programme centres. The audio programmes are also broadcast through FM radio, Hyderabad and the video programmes are being transmitted through Doordarshan Urdu regularly. University has made collaboration with IGNOU and making use of all its Urdu video programmes for educational purposes. These recorded programmes are being shown at the programme centres during the counselling sessions. The Public Address System, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)/ Digital Light Processor (DLP) players are used for reaching all the students in the classroom. This has helped the University in taking the expertise to the grassroots level. Further, efforts are also being made to put the repository of programmes on the University website.

This will help the teacher-trainees to see the programmes based on their convenience. The students support service help is extended through IVRS or toll free phone facilities. The information such as supply of SLM, dispatch of assignments or any other academic matter is being given through this phone facilities. In addition to this fax, email, phone (landline and mobile) is being used for communication of various information to the concerned teacher-trainees.

The general information such as assignment, exam forms etc. are loaded on the University website for benefit of the stake holders (teacher-trainees, counsellors, programme incharges, (Asstt.) Regional Directors. Specific information regarding general letters, submission of data etc. are also being communicated through SMS (Short Massaging Services). Till the University sets up its own system the services of, and are being used. The computers are being used by the programme centres in making a record of teaching practice lessons of student-teachers, preparation of expenditure statements.

Term-End Examination and Post Examination

The process of term-end examination and post examination starts with planning of the entire process. The computers are used in identification of paper setters, preparation of papers and printing, D-Form generation, feeding of exam results and finally ends up with result generation and dispatch.

The issue of notification, date sheet of examination, exam application forms are placed on the University website. The results are also placed on the University website for the benefit of candidates.

The Print and Mass Media is used for communication of information to the stakeholders. The press and printed letters are used for communicating about the exams and results. This is complementary service used as the it ensures that the students-teachers who misses information from one technology is communicated through the other.

Fax, Phone (land-line and mobile) are also being used at this stage. This may be informative, suggestive or directive service for student-teachers, Regional Centres, Programme Centres. Necessary information is also sent through SMS from headquarters to Regional Centres and Programme Centres and Vice Versa.


It is concluded that the Maulana Azad National Urdu University, which represents the interests of linguistic minority and the language which needs to be upgraded for requirements of today is working for reducing the digital gap between have and have nots. Thereby the gap is being bridged between teaching and learning. This is true in the context of teacher education of English language and also truer in case of Urdu language. It is suggested that more studies may be conducted in use of ICT for teacher education in Urdu.


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