The ICT interventions in attending concerns of students through SSU with reference to MANUU - A case study

 The student support unit (SSU) is a core and central unit of any distance education institution. This is a liaison agent between the institute and the students. The bridge between the two groups is covered by the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT). Thus, the success of SSU depends on the better utilisation of ICT and also the quality staff engaged in the use of ICT. The distance mode learners who are spread across the length and breadth of the nation can only submit their concerns through ICT to SSU in the smallest span of time and more accurately. The ICT also provides information regarding receipt of their concerns and also helps in providing solutions. The SSU teaching and non-teaching staff need to have mastery over ICT in attending to students' concerns. One of the best and simplest uses of ICT is toll-free number and email interaction for approaching the concerned. This helps in achieving the motto of the university i.e. to reach the unreached and plays the central role. The mobile services are available in synchronous mode, while email services are available in asynchronous mode too. The following paper presents a study in the solution of student concerns through the use of ICT in Maulana Azad National University (MANUU).


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