How to Identify References for an Academic article or University Essay


To make your academic ideas authentic and add weightage to your write-up, it is always suggested to add references and citations. All the new knowledge precedes with a thorough review. Thus, the review is an important aspect in any of the academic write-ups including the University essays.  New writers find it difficult to identify specific resources for including them in their articles. In the present article, the author has attempted to review various sources of review and enlisted important sources which as a scholar you can refer to write references for their academic write-up.

1. Refer to Articles and Original Authors from the university library

The University where you are registered and doing your research provides you access to offline books, journals in the library, and online resources such as ebooks and e-journals, etc. You can refer to the physical books available in the library by using the library catalogue and also refer to books using online software are which are available with them. You can also shortlist the articles that are related to literature using the filter facility available in the software. 

2. Google scholar gives academic articles

Now a days it is common for scholars to refer to the material using academic search engines like Google scholar. Investigators get thousands of related researches associated with the theme under study using Google scholar. The investigator also can make use of Boolean operators like 'and', 'or', 'nor' etc. for narrowing down and specifying the research topics.

3. Wikipedia as a Digital Encyclopaedia of information

Wikipedia is an easy source of information that is referred to by most novice writers. This is not a real source of information written by the original authors but compiled by the general public for ready reference of the general public. However,  if you are contemplating using this sort of information then go to the references cited at the end of each article. From here you can go to the original article and read the information from the preliminary and authentic source. 

5. Double Dip by Referring to the references

It is always a good idea to go to the reference section of a related research article that gives more information about the keyword, concept, or theme on which we are doing the research. This can be called double dip and is useful for writing academic papers.

6. General Google search as a stepping stone for a beginner

For a general review of any theme or article, it is always suggested that you can go to a general search from the Google search engine. This will help us to clear some doubts regarding the concepts, keywords, and theories. This can then become the stepping stone for further research. 


Thus, you can use any suitable method to gain more insight into the related research and strengthen your academic output.


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