Indian Distance Education Association (IDEA) is the leading national professional body of academicians, policymakers, administrators and all other stakeholders of distance and open learning institutions. Members are drawn from National and state Open Universities and Conventional Dual Mode Universities offering courses in ODL, Agriculture Universities, Extended Educational Institutions and other Academic Institutions. IDEA’s annual conferences provide a platform for academia, professionals, policymakers, distance educators, activists and others interested in Open and Distance Learning to meet, exchange views, and share research findings related to ODL. IDEA has also been working for the growth, development and research of ODL over the years. IDEA has attracted international attention and participation. IDEA has organised ten Vice-Chancellors and Directors Round Table Conferences and has brought out Newsletters entitled OPEN IDEAS to act as a communicative instrument between the members, DE functionaries and institutions. Till date, IDEA in association with different Institutions organized 24 National / International Conferences throughout the country. IDEA has also initiated monthly Webinars.
Objectives of Monthly Webinar
- To remain engaged with the current/latest developments in the field of ODL and its development.
- To appraise the policy makers/stakeholders about the potential of ODL in reaching the unreached and increasing the GER.
- To get the benefits of expert lectures from the practitioners in the field of ODL.
- To understand the perspectives of ODL from different angles.
Previous Monthly Webinars
- "National Education Policy - 2020 with special reference to ODL and Digitisation of Education” - Prof. CRK Murthy, IGNOU, New Delhi (January 2023)
- “Education at Crossroads with special reference to ODL” - Prof. M. Aslam, Former VC, IGNOU, New Delhi (February 2023)
- “Bridging the 'Gap' in Higher Education: Case of International Collaboration”- Prof. K. Seetharama Rao, Vice Chancellor, BRAOU, Hyderabad (March, 2023)
- “Transformational Innovations in Distance Education” - Prof. Mohan B. Menon, Former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia (April, 2023)
- "Generative AI and Implications for Open Online and Distance Education" - Dr. Ramesh Sharma, Director, HRDC, Dr Ambedkar University, Delhi (May, 2023)
- "Quality Assurance in Blended and Online Learning" - Prof. V. Venkaiah, former Vice Chancellor, Krishna University, Machlipatnam (June, 2023)
- "New Paradigms of Education in the era of ChatGPT" - Prof. M. M. Pant former Pro Vice-Chancellor, IGNOU New Delhi (July, 2023)
Webinar No. 08: Contemporary Issues of ODL in Dual Mode Universities: Regulations, Accreditation & Challenges
Date, Day and Time: Day: Saturday, Date: 26.08.2023 Time: 11.00 am
During the period 1956-1960 the Third Five Year Plan mentioned the need for the introduction of correspondence education in the country. Accordingly the Central Advisory Board on Education recommended the setting up of an Expert Committee under the chairmanship of Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of UGC, to look into the proposal of introducing correspondence courses in the conventional Universities. The Expert Committee recommended the institution of correspondence courses in view of the greater flexibility, economic viability and innovative methods of imparting education.
Thus was born in 1962 the University of Delhi’s School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education as first Dual Mode University..Subsequently in 1968, Correspondence Courses were started other universities like Punjabi University and University of Rajasthan.Later Meerut and Mysore University started these courses in 1969 under the concept of Dual mode Universisties..The success of the project led to introduction of correspondence course institutes (later renamed as directorates or centres of distance education) in more universities. In 1982 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University was established, the first open university in India. This was followed by the establishment of Indira Gandhi National Open University at the national level in 1985. The Distance Education Council (DEC) was set up by IGNOU in 1991 and became operational in 1992. with the Vice Chancellor of IGNOU acting as the ex officio chairperson of DEC.
In August 2010, the Ministry constituted Prof Madhav Menon committee for investigating distance education standards in India. The committee recommended the creation of a new regulatory body, the Distance Education Council of India (DECI). It also recommended that until such body is established, the DEC may be shifted to UGC.. In 29 December 2012, the MHRD published an Order transferring the regulatory authority of distance education from IGNOU to UGC. In May 2013 IGNOU dissolved the DEC and the UGC took over the entire assets and manpower, establishing the Distance Education Bureau (DEB).
Further In view of National Education Policy many developments took place in ODL system i.e. Mandatory requirement of NAAC score 3.01 ( A grade) for offering ODL programmes, and also UGC New regulations for ODL and Online education 2020 followed with AICTE Online and ODL regulations 2021 have become Challenges for ODL programmes especially Dual Mode universities whose number come down from 257 to almost 136 ODL offering dual mode universities.(UGC recognised). The Various challenges and possible solutions can be seen in the talk of “Contemporary Issues of ODL in Dual Mode Universities: Regulations, Accreditation & Challenges”

Guest Speaker: Prof. S. Jeelani, CDVL, UoH, Hyderabad

Prof S Jeelani did his Ph.D from Osmania University, Hyderabad. He did Post Doctoral Research under the Project of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR) as awarded Research Associate Ship. He was also awarded the Pool Scientist from CSIR, New Delhi. He worked as Scientist in National Remote Sensing Centre (ISRO) and was involved in the 8 Major Research Projects. Presently Prof. S Jeelani has been working as Director of Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning, University of Hyderabad a central University established by an Act of Parliament. He is also nominated as Fellow Member of Eudoxia Research University, New york USA and also Fellow Member of International Eudoxia Research Council. He has filed 5 research PATENTs. He has published 67 Research Publications and author / Editor of 9 Books. He has total 35 years of Research, Teaching and Academic Administrative experience. He has given more than 500 lectures in the National and International seminars/ conferences.
He previously worked as Regional Secretary UGC, at regional centres of Hyderabad and Bangalore. He also worked as Controller of Examinations and Registrar In charge in MANUU, Hyderabad. He was also appointed as VICE CHANCELLOR of ICFAI, University, Raipur, by the Hon’ble Governor of Chhattisgarh state. He is also a visiting Professor and Advisor of Many of the HEIs. He is also a Honorary Professor in some of the Deemed to be Universities. He is also CIQA member in the ODL centres of EFLU, MANUU, National Sanskrit University, Tirupati, Kakatiya University, and Dr BRAOU, Hyd. He is also the Academic & Administrative Review committee Member for the yearly review the SYMBIOSIS UNIVERSITY, Hyd.
Prof S Jeelani received many awards among them he received Life time Achievement award from the AICTE Chief Coordinating Officer, New DELHI. He also received Citation of Honour from the Andhra Pradesh Skill Development Council. Recently He was nominated for Life time Fellow Member of Eudoxia Research University USA which is having its campuses in 193 countries.
Discussant: Dr. Raihan Malik, Assistant Professor, DDE, MANUU, Hyderabad

Dr Malik Raihan is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Directorate of Distance Education, Maulana Azaad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. His academic area of interest is Sociology of Education and minority studies. He has 36 papers to his credit published in various journals and as chapters in different volumes. These papers are on his area of interest as well as on the issues of Distance Education too. He has authored 2 books and edited 6. All his publications are available on academia webpage and may be reached easily. He has also undertaken 2 research Projects sponsored by UGC. He knows Arabic, English, Persian, Hindi, Urdu and English.
Prof. Mahajan (Chairperson of the Webinar)
Professor Ravi K. Mahajan, a renowned educationist and distance educator. Professor Mahajan has over 40 years of experience in the field of education, and has made significant contributions to the field of distance education.
Professor Mahajan is a pioneer in the use of technology in education. He was instrumental in the development of the first eLearning venture in India, and has been a leading figure in the adoption of online learning in higher education. He is also a prolific researcher, and has published over 50 papers and articles on distance education.
In addition to his academic work, Professor Mahajan is also actively involved in professional organizations. He is a senior member of IACSIT, a fellow of CIDER, and a life member of IDEA. He is also a member of ISLP, ISPS, and ISCA.
I am confident that Professor Mahajan will share with us his insights and expertise on the future of distance education. I welcome him to our program."
Here are some additional points that you can mention in your introduction:
Professor Mahajan's work has helped to make distance education more accessible and affordable for learners around the world.
He is a strong advocate for the use of technology in education, and believes that it can be a powerful tool for learning.
He is a passionate educator, and is committed to improving the quality of education for all learners.
Organiser: Prof. Mushtaq Ahmed I. Patel
Professor of Education, DDE, MANUU, Hyderabad and Coordinator, Virtual Online Meeting, IDEA
More than 70+ members participated in the programme. Some of the glimpses are given below,

Prof. D. Harichandan, Vice President, IDEA gave a preliminary remark on behalf of IDEA and Dr. J. S. Dorothy thanked all the stakeholders at the end of the programme.
Profile of the Registered Candidates
The IDEA collected a feedback and registration form from the stakeholders. Based on this the data is analysed and presented below,
Diversity of Institutions
The Maulana Azad National Urdu University is the most represented institute, with 42.6% of the participants. This is followed by the Indira Gandhi National Open University, with 8.16% of the participants. The other institutes are all represented by less than 50% of the participants but covers entire nation.
Working in ODL Mode

The percentage of participants who are working in ODL mode:
Working in ODL Mode | Percentage
------- | --------
Yes | 63.64%
No | 36.36%
As you can see, 63.64% of the participants are working in ODL mode, while 36.36% are not.
IDEA membership

Out of the registered participants in the IDEA Monthly Webinars, approximately 22.2% are members of IDEA, while the majority, which is about 77.8%, are not members. This data suggests that IDEA membership might be an optional or selective choice among the participants.
For organizations or associations like IDEA, it's essential to consider strategies to enhance membership engagement and promote the benefits of being a member. Increasing membership participation can help organizations in building a more connected and active community.
Would you like to be a member of IDEA?

- Around 52.3% of participants expressed a clear interest in becoming members of IDEA.
- Approximately 36.4% of participants indicated they were unsure or open to the idea of becoming members.
- About 11.4% of participants explicitly stated they do not wish to become members.
These responses reflect varying levels of interest and openness to IDEA membership among the webinar participants. Organizations like IDEA might consider addressing the concerns or uncertainties of those in the "Maybe" category and providing clear benefits to encourage more participants to become members.
Nature of duties in ODL
Approximately 47.9% of the participants are engaged in full-time duties related to Open and Distance Learning (ODL). This suggests a significant representation of individuals dedicated to ODL on a full-time basis.
About 27.1% of the participants have part-time duties, indicating that they may be involved in ODL activities alongside other responsibilities.
There is a small percentage of participants in other categories, such as research scholars, visitors, retired/superannuated individuals, and those with additional responsibilities related to ODL.
This data reflects the diversity in the nature of duties within the field of ODL, with a substantial number of full-time professionals actively contributing to ODL activities who have registered for the webinar.
ODL Mode - Exposure in years
Around 37% of participants have been associated with ODL mode for 15 years or more, indicating a significant number of long-term practitioners in the field.
Approximately 8.7% have a tenure of 10 to 15 years or 5 to 10 years, reflecting a substantial mid-term presence in ODL.
About 39.1% have less than 5 years of association with ODL, suggesting the presence of relatively new entrants to the field.
This data highlights the diversity in the duration of participants' exposure to ODL mode, ranging from newcomers to those with extensive experience, contributing to a varied and experienced audience in ODL-related activities.
Meeting Awareness
Approximately 71.2% of participants came to know about the meeting through social media channels, including WhatsApp, making it the most significant source of information.
Email played a notable role, with around 26.9% of participants learning about the meeting through this medium.
A smaller percentage, about 7.7%, heard about the meeting through word of mouth, indicating some level of personal recommendation.
A very few participants, approximately 7.7%, mentioned "other" sources, which could include sources not explicitly mentioned in the provided options.
This data highlights the effectiveness of social media, particularly WhatsApp, as a key means of communication for promoting and disseminating information about the meeting. Email and word of mouth also contributed to spreading awareness about the event.
Attending the previous meeting

Approximately 93.2% of participants provided positive observations about their previous meeting attendance. This suggests a high level of satisfaction and positive experiences among the majority of attendees.
About 6.8% of participants had neutral observations, indicating a more balanced or mixed perspective about their previous meeting experiences. This may also be because they might be attending the meeting for the first time.
The data reflects a predominantly positive sentiment among participants who attended previous meetings, with only a minority expressing neutral observations. This indicates that the meetings have generally been well-received and left a positive impression on the participants.
Contribution to the IDEA Webinar
The most common contribution role mentioned is that of a "Participant," with approximately 70.6% of participants indicating their willingness to attend and engage in the webinar.
Some participants (approximately 13.7%) mentioned "Can't Say Now," indicating uncertainty about their specific role or contribution at the moment.
There are participants who expressed their willingness to take on active roles such as "Speaker," "Technical Expert," "Discussant," and "Chairperson," collectively accounting for approximately 15.6% of responses. This suggests a desire among some participants to actively participate and contribute to the webinar in various capacities.
Thus, participants have a range of potential contributions they can make to the IDEA Webinar, with the majority planning to participate as attendees. Some are open to more specialized roles, indicating a diverse and engaged audience.
Change in the format of the programme
The majority of participants (approximately 76.1%) expressed that they did not want any change in the format of the program, indicating satisfaction with the current format.
About 17.4% of participants marked "Not Applicable," suggesting that the question about changing the format might not apply to them, possibly because they find the current format suitable.
A smaller percentage (approximately 6.5%) indicated "Not Sure," indicating some level of uncertainty about potential changes in the program format.
Thus, data suggests that the majority of participants are content with the current program format and do not see a need for significant changes.
Most convenient day for the webinar

The majority of participants (approximately 62%) prefer meeting on weekends (Saturday or Sunday), indicating that weekends are the most convenient time for them to attend meetings.
Approximately 36% of participants mentioned weekdays (Monday till Friday) as their preferred meeting days, which is a smaller but still significant portion of respondents.
The data suggests that weekends are the more popular choice for meeting days among the participants, likely due to greater flexibility in their schedules during weekends.
Most convenient time for the webinar

The data shows that participants have varying preferences for meeting times:
- Approximately 38.8% of participants prefer morning sessions.
- About 34.7% of participants favor afternoon sessions.
- Approximately 26.5% of participants find after-office hours the most convenient.
These preferences suggest that there is no overwhelmingly dominant choice, and organizers may consider offering a mix of meeting times to accommodate the diverse schedules and time zones of participants.
Themes on ODL in future webinars
- The participants have diverse interests in future ODL themes, with "Digitalization of Education" being the most frequently mentioned topic.
- "ICT Tools in School-Level Learning" and "Interactivity in Open Learning" were also mentioned as potential themes, though less frequently.
- Several other themes related to technology, pedagogy, and trends in ODL were suggested by participants, indicating a broad spectrum of interests within the ODL community.
- Organizers of ODL events and webinars can consider these topics to cater to the preferences and interests of their audience in future sessions.
Expert in forthcoming webinars
- Participants expressed their interest in listening to specific experts in forthcoming meetings, but contact details for these experts were not provided in most cases.
- Several participants mentioned experts by name without specifying any contact details or additional information.
- While participants have shown interest in hearing from specific experts, further details or arrangements may be needed to invite these experts to future meetings.
- Prof. V. S. Prasad
- Prof. Mushtaq Ahmed I Patel
- Dr Harshad Patel, Vice Chancellor IITE Gandhinagar Gujarat
- Dr. Dost Mohammad Khan
- Khan Shahnaz Bano
- Prof. Shakeel Ahmad
- Prof.Sansanwal (on Application of Statistics in ODL)
- Prof Murali Manohar
It's important for event organizers to gather contact details or collaborate with experts of interest to ensure their participation in future meetings or webinars.

For the latest development and fee details contact President and Secretary General, IDEA.
Prof. K. Murali Manohar, President, IDEA (muralimanohark@yahoo.com
Prof. Romesh Verma, Secretary General, IDEA (romeshvermajammu@gmail.com)
Report Compiled by
Prof. Mushtaq Ahmed I. Patel,
MANUU, Hyderabad
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