Easing of PhD regulations will allow more foreign students in India

It is a great idea to ease PhD regulations to allow more foreign students, and institutions in India. The detailed article can be referred at

Few Observations

On perusal of the above article few observations are made below.
  • Once the regulations are finalised by UGC, the Indian guides will get the supernumerary quota of 2 seats to each guide for accomodating foreign students. 
  • Indian experts can reach foreign countries through their students and comparative studies can be made by the research scholars and guides. Foreign students get expert teachers and institutes from India. 
  • As only 26% of international students are doing PG and above studies in India. It is a great idea to open the doors of higher education at the research level.
  • The expertise of higher education can be made available to various developing countries that lack quality teachers and researchers in various disciplines. 
  • Indian Universities have to gear to utilise this facility and open themselves to welcome foreign students. 
  • New hostels and infrastructure need to be created for foreign students. This is expected to increase diversity on the campus and we need to be tolerant and accommodate the incumbents. 
  • Foreign students can be taught the Indian language, and culture and inculcate thorough subject knowledge for them. 
  • Indian experts in the field get an opportunity to visit foreign countries and the influx of students from abroad will also open income generation and revenues for institutes within the country. Thus, some developmental works can also take place at the university level.
  • The Indian Universities may deliberate important disciplines and priority areas in their academic council and give opportunities to foreigners. 
  • The National Education Policy - 2020 gives the scope for Multiple Entry and Multiple Exit schemes which can be harnessed by higher educational institutes.
  • We need to concentrate on all 165 countries whose students are studying in India. However, this should not hamper our approach toward the present 5 countries whose students are largely studying in India.


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