4th IDEA Virtual Online Meeting - Transformational Innovations in Distance Education


Indian Distance Education Association (IDEA) is the leading national professional body of academicians, policymakers, administrators and all other stakeholders of distance and open learning institutions. Members are drawn from National & State Open Universities and Conventional Dual Mode Universities offering courses in ODL, Agriculture Universities, Extended Educational Institutions and other Academic Institutions. IDEA’s annual conferences provide a platform for academia, professionals, policymakers, distance educators, activists and others interested in Open and Distance Learning to meet, exchange views, and share research findings related to ODL. IDEA is also been working for the growth, development and research of ODL over the years. IDEA has attracted international attention and participation. IDEA has organised ten Vice-Chancellors and Directors Round Table Conferences and has brought out Newsletters entitled OPEN IDEAS to act as a communicative instrument between the members, DE functionaries and institutions. Till date, IDEA in association with different Institutions organized 24 National / International Conferences throughout the country. IDEA has also initiated monthly online Virtual Meetings.

Objectives of the monthly Virtual Meeting

  • To remain engaged with the current/latest developments in the field of ODL and its development.
  • To appraise the policy makers/stakeholders about the potential of ODL in reaching the unreached and increasing the GER.
  • To get the benefits of expert lectures from the practitioners in the field of ODL.
  • To understand the perspectives of ODL from different angles.

Previous Monthly Virtual Meeting

  1. “National Education Policy - 2020 with special reference to ODL and Digitisation of Education” - Prof. CRK Murthy, IGNOU, New Delhi (January 2023)
  2. “Education at Crossroads with special reference to ODL” - Prof. M. Aslam, Former VC, IGNOU, New Delhi (February 2023)
  3. "Bridging the 'Gap' in Higher Education: Case of International Collaboration" - Prof. K. Seetharama Rao (March, 2023)

Fouth IDEA Virtual Meeting - Transformational Innovations in Distance Education

The concept of Distance Education and its organisation has undergone redefining and transformation since its adoption as an alternative system of higher education. Some of the recent innovative practices in the last two decades are leading to transformative changes in course development, student support and management. The present talk highlights a few such significant areas of transformation which could lead to a new perspective of mode integration in higher education.

Date: 28.04.2023
Time: 11.00 am

Guest Speaker: Prof. Mohan B. Menon

Prof. Mohan B. Menon was a UNESCO diplomat and held several positions globally including that of Chief and Director of the UNESCO in Jordan; Deputy Vice-Chancellor,  Wawasan Open University, Malaysia and Education Team Leader at the Commonwealth of Learning, Canada. His teaching, expertise and published work for over forty years have been mainly in the areas of teacher education and distance education. He was conferred D. Litt. (Honoris Causa) by the Open University of Sri Lanka and holds membership in the Board of Directors of the International Council for Education on Teaching (ICET) since 2015. He is presently Chairperson (Founding), DISHA Global Trust, Kochi.

Discussant: Prof. Narsimharao, former Regional Director, IGNOU

Chairperson: Prof. Narasimham, former Director, 

School of Management Studies, IGNOU, & former Dean, School of Business & Administration, Wavason Open University, Malaysia

Organiser: Prof. Mushtaq Ahmed I. Patel

Professor of Education, DDE, MANUU, Hyderabad and Coordinator, Virtual Online Meeting, IDEA


More than 50+ members participated in the programme. Some of the glimpses are given below,

Prof. Romesh Verma, Secretary General, IDEA gave preliminary remark on behalf of IDEA and Dr. J. S. Dorothy thanked all the stakeholders at the end of the programme.

The proceeding of the conference can be viewed from the link.

Profile of the Registered Candidates

The IDEA collected a feedback and registration form from the stakeholders. Based on this the data is analysed and presented below,

Diversity of Institutions

The members who registered for the 4th IDEA Virtual online meeting were from across India, which indicates the diversity of the association members who represented more than 40 institutes.

Association of ODL institutions

The data pertaining to association of ODL institutions was obtained from the respondents it is found that 72.4%  are working in ODL Mode, however, 27.6%  respondents showed their interest in the meeting which means they are also interested in ODL mode.

IDEA Membership

The responses of registered members regarding membership of IDEA indicate that the results are exactly reverse and 27.6% members have IDEA membership and 72.4% are not member of IDEA. This indicates that the IDEA has to expand the membership and I request the office bears to do needful.

The IDEA after completion of it's 4th Online Virtual Meeting, analysed feedback of registered members and found that, 

The Members wish to listen to various experts from Distance Education like:

1. Tony Bates

2. Prof Rajan welukar

3. Prof V S Prasad

4. Prof Asha Kanwar Singh

5. Dr Sanjay Mishra, COL

6. Kushal Bhagat, IIT Kharagpur

7. Dr Aswin IIT, Bombay

8. Dr Sanjaya Mishra, COL

9. Prof. Murali manohar

10. Prof. Marmar Mukhopadhyaya 

The Members wish to listen following themes which are hurriedly and randomly classified in the following topics.

1.  Open Educational Resources, 

2.  MOOCs MOOCs and it's Practical Aspects

3.  Transformation of pedagogy in ODL

4.  AI in ODL

5.  ODL in a blended mode. 

6. Hands-on program in ODL. 

7.  Performing and allied arts in ODL

8.  How to remove the myth about ODL poor quality from the society 

9.  Innovative Teaching and Learning methods

10. Implementing NEP 2020

11. LMS, SLM 

12. Virtual Lab in ODL aspect 

13. Effective Laboratory counselling for ODL learners. 

14. MOOCS in mother language for ODL learners.

15. Functions of ODL

16. Leadership, NEP 2020, Teacher Education 

17. ChatGPT in ODL

18. Implementation of AI in ODL mode

19. Status of ODL learners in the present age

20. Online education, quality assurance 

21. E-learning and ODL - Future Prospects and ODL Governance

22. Technology in ODL, ICT in ODL

23. Technology innovations in ODL, 

24. Text course material

25. Practical Examinations in ODL

26. Best Practices, innovation, research-related topics; Research and innovations in ODL;

27. New ODL initiatives in History teaching learning 

28. How ODL helps women learners 

29. Capacity building of ODL teaching faculty "

30. Skill and knowledge enhancement through ODL, 

31. Studies on the possibility of Engineering Education through ODL+Online (Blended) mode for working diplomas and ITI technicians to improve their educational qualifications to get promotions in the Industry. 

32. Online learning 

33. Future strategy of ODL, ODL for regional development, ODL and online learning

34. Academic development at the regional level 

35. Student Support Services, How to remove difficulties for dispatch of SLM

I wish to request seniors and experts in the field to facilitate inviting the experts in the field so that they can speak on the above themes. It would be highly appreciable if some IDEA members volunteer with their names to be a discussant on behalf of IDEA for the talk presented. 

Look forward to your co-operation.

Prof. Mushtaq Ahmed I. Patel

(Typographical and grammatical errors may be ignored as this is only compiled data)

Process of Registration for IDEA

The membership data indicates that many respondents are not the members of IDEA and hence, the membership form is attached herewith for benefit of those who wish to be members.

For the latest development and fee details contact President and Secretary General.

Prof. K. Murali Manohar, President, IDEA (muralimanohark@yahoo.com

Prof. Romesh Verma, Secretary General, IDEA  (romeshvermajammu@gmail.com)

Fourth Monthly Virtual Online Meeting

Minute-to-minute programme of monthly IDEA meeting (April 2023)



Action by




Admitting participants online 

Link Host - Prof. Patel, MANUU




Welcome and about the monthly meeting and Introduction of Resource Person, Chair, Discussant

Prof. Mushtaq Ahmed I. Patel,

Coordinator (Virtual Meeting), IDEA




Preliminary Remark and inviting President to take forward the meeting

Prof. Romesh Verma, Secretary, IDEA




Outline of the programme and inviting Speaker for presentation

Chairman, Virtual Meeting




Presentation - “Transformational Innovations in Distance Education” 

Prof. Mohan Menon 

Former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia




Inviting Experts for discussion on theme and presentation

Chairman, Virtual Meeting





Dr Narsimha Rao,

Former Regional Director, IGNOU, Bengaluru




Inviting queries and observations from participants

President, Virtual Meeting




Question and Answer / Discussion

All the participants




Address by the Chairman & Closure

Prof. N. V. Narasimham,

former Director, School of Management Studies, IGNOU, & 

former Dean, School of Business & Administration, Wavason Open University, Malaysia




Vote of thanks

Dr J. S. Dorothy, Regional Director, RC, Cochin, IGNOU


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