Report of 5th IDEA Monthly Online Virtual Meeting

 About IDEA

Indian Distance Education Association (IDEA) is the leading national professional body of academicians, policymakers, administrators and all other stakeholders of distance and open learning institutions. Members are drawn from National & State Open Universities and Conventional Dual Mode Universities offering programmes in ODL, Agriculture Universities, Extended Educational Institutions and other Academic Institutions. IDEA’s annual conferences provide a platform for academia, professionals, policymakers, distance educators, activists and others interested in Open and Distance Learning to meet, exchange views, and share research findings related to ODL. IDEA has also been working for the growth, development and research of ODL over the years. IDEA has attracted international attention and participation. IDEA has organised ten Vice-Chancellors and Directors Round Table Conferences and has brought out Newsletters entitled OPEN IDEAS to act as a communicative instrument between the members, DE functionaries and institutions. Till date, IDEA in association with different Institutions organized 24 National / International Conferences throughout the country. The IDEA decided to conduct monthly online Virtual Meetings in the month of December 2022 and since then four virtual meetings were conducted, inviting experts from the field with the following objectives.

Objectives of the Monthly Virtual Meeting

  • To remain engaged with the current/latest developments in the field of ODL and its development.

  • To appraise the policy makers/stakeholders about the potential of ODL in reaching the unreached and increasing the GER.

  • To get the benefits of expert lectures from the practitioners in the field of ODL.

  • To understand the perspectives of ODL from different angles.

Previous Monthly Virtual Meetings

  1. “National Education Policy - 2020 with special reference to ODL and Digitisation of Education” - Prof. CRK Murthy, IGNOU, New Delhi (January 2023)

  2. “Education at Crossroads with special reference to ODL” - Prof. M. Aslam, Former VC, IGNOU, New Delhi (February 2023)

  3. “Bridging the 'Gap' in Higher Education: Case of International Collaboration”- Prof. K. Seetharama Rao, Vice Chancellor, BRAOU, Hyderabad (March 2023)

  4. “Transformational Innovations in Distance Education” - Prof. Mohan B. Menon, Former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia (April 2023)

Features of Registration Feedback, Analysis and Discussions

About 120 respondents participated by way of registration for the programme.
Participants from 76 institutions across India participated to register. The highest number of registration was from MANUU (28.3%) followed by IGNOU (10%), Krishna Kanta Handique University State Open University, Guwahati, Assam (4.2%), Dr B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad (3.3%).

Following are the other questions which were asked in the Google form which was open to all and a quick analysis is made as below.

Whether you are working in ODL Mode?

The profile of respondents indicated that 59.1% were working in ODL mode and 40.9% were not working in ODL mode. This is graphically represented below.

Whether you are a member of IDEA?

The profile of respondents indicated that 75.00% were not members of IDEA and only 25.00% were members of IDEA. This is graphically presented below, but the data also indicates a lot of scope for expanding the membership of IDEA.

How long have you been associated with ODL Mode? (Exposure in years)

A cursory look at the data indicated that there is an exceptional number of participants who have been working in the field of ODL for more than 30 or 40 years. It is suggested that the IDEA must try to invite such eminent persons and honour their services to the field.

How did you come to know about this meeting?

Most of the members who have registered indicated various means through which became aware of the IDEA Monthly Meeting. Some of the means include WhatsApp, Social Media, Friends, Relatives, Colleagues, Circulation in the University teacher's group, University Group, Management, Part of Organising Committee, from organiser, email, IDEA Executive, IDEA Members.

Did you attend any previous meetings, what were your observations?

The Google form attempted to collect information that the IDEA monthly meeting had on the participants. Most of the responses indicated a very good opinion about the previous meeting and some of the noteworthy adjectives used include, Informative, Insightful, Good, Valuable. There is hardly any bad remark by the respondents.

Do you want any change in the format of the programme?

The majority of the respondents (66.7%) have indicated no change in the present format. Others also have given similar opinions of no change but using different terms as the question was open-ended.

Do you want to listen to any important theme on ODL in future (indicate three topics)

Following is the compiled list of all responses of all the registered participants. Based on the given topics, here's a qualitative analysis and summarization of different themes that could be covered in an online meeting in future:

Theme 1: Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
  • How to prepare eSLMs and content writing for ODL
  • Role of regulatory bodies in ODL
  • Distance education and credit transfer policy
  • Use of ICT to conduct examination and release results in ODL
  • ODL and DEB (Distance Education Bureau)
  • Learning in ODL and ODL in overseas
  • NEP (National Education Policy) and ODL
  • ODL's contribution to achieving SDG 4 (Sustainable Development Goal)
Theme 2: Blended Learning and Gamification
  • Blended learning and its implementation
  • Gamification in education and ODL
  • Making of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
  • Recent trends in ODL assessment
  • Innovative methods to teach ODL learners
  • Workshop in writing SLM (Self-Learning Material) for ODL learners
Theme 3: Inclusive Education and Learner Engagement
  • Reaching out to differently-abled learners in ODL mode
  • New approaches to blended learning
  • Multidisciplinary research prospects in ODL universities
  • Incorporating skills in SLM
  • Standardization of SLM for credit transfer
  • Delivery mechanism for ODL in light of NEP-2020
  • Learner engagement and making assignments more interesting
Theme 4: AI and Technology in ODL
  • Use of AI in ODL material and research
  • Digital teachers and digital transformation in ODL
  • Use of social media in self-branding of ODL teachers
  • Implementation of ICT in ODL mode learning
  • Practice-based research through ODL
  • Pedagogical activities, ICT, and AI in ODL
Theme 5: Higher Education and Policy Perspectives
  • Bridging the 'Gap' in higher education through ODL
  • Transformational innovations in distance education
  • ODL and NEP 2020
  • ODL's role in higher education after COVID-19
  • NHEQF (National Higher Education Qualification Framework)
  • Staff management in ODL and staff development/learner support/research
Theme 6: Digital Transformation in Education
  • Digital transformation and challenges in educational delivery in developing countries
  • AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), and inclusive growth in education
  • Digital transformation in the Indian context
  • Future of inclusive education through ODL
  • Use of AI in research, program evaluation, and self-branding of ODL teachers
  • ICT in the classroom and artificial intelligence in the classroom
Theme 7: Research and Methodology
  • ODL resources and recent information
  • Cognitive neuroscience in learning, microlearning, and universal design for learning
  • Trends in teacher education and inclusive education
  • Latest scenarios in research methodology
  • SPSS and Excel in educational research
Theme 8: Other Topics
  • Literacy campaigns and their impact
  • Agri (Agriculture) in the context of education
  • Artificial intelligence in education
  • Education, science and technology, psychology
  • NEP implementation
  • Art in the classroom
  • Trends in teacher education
  • Latest scenario in research methodology
These themes cover a wide range of topics related to ODL, technology integration, policy perspectives, inclusive education, research, and pedagogical approaches. They provide a comprehensive overview of the current trends and challenges in distance education.

Do you want to listen to any expert in forthcoming meetings (indicate the name and contact details)

This was also not a compulsory question for the participants, but more than half of the registered participants have indicated their options, which are listed below with only formatting,
  • Ami Upadhyaya of BAOU
  • Prof. Manjulika,IGNOU
  • Prof Santosh Panda, IGNOU
  • Prof.Bharat Bhushan Sharma IGNOU
  • Prof.Venkaiah BRAOU
  • Prof.Ghanta Ramesh MANUU
  • Prof Asha Kanwar, Prof. Manjulika Srivastava & Retd. Prof. Biswas of STRIDE IGNOU
  • Prof Sonawane
  • Prof. M M.Pant
  • Dr.Yakiah, from BRAOU
  • Dr.Nandini Chatterjee, UNESCO member
  • Dr. Santosh Panda, Director, STRIDE
  • Dr. Furqan Qamar, Professor, Jamia Milia University, New Delhi
  • Dr. Araz Bozkurt, Anadolu University, Turkey
  • Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson, Victoria University, NZ
  • Dr. Shakila Shamsu, Former Joint Secretary, MoE, Govt. of India
  • Professor M Mukhopadhyay, ETMA, Professor Sugar Mitra , Professor Santosh Panda.IGNOU
  • Prof. Marmar Mukhopadhyay; Prof.Madhu Parhar, Prof.Uma Kanjilal, Dr.B.Shadrach
  • Prof Romesh Verma
  • Prof. Santosh Panda, IGNOU
  • S.mugundan
The data obtained from the registration form gives insight to the organiser who plans for modifying the questionnaire and question format.

Fifth meeting

The Fifth Online Virtual meeting was entitled “Generative AI and Implications for Open Online and Distance Education” which was delivered by Dr Ramesh Sharma, Director, HRDC, Dr Ambedkar University, New Delhi, who is a well known scholar in the field of Open Distance Learning. The pre-registration of the programme received an overwhelming response from the stakeholders across different universities across India which indicated diversity and expansion of the reach of IDEA. Dr Sharma illustrated the generative AI technology with examples (live demonstrations) and interaction, which was liked by the participants. He informed the audience that the advent of generative AI in education presents opportunities and challenges, especially in ODL mode. He laid an emphasis that to better understand what generative AI promises us, we need to examine its philosophy, develop a theoretical understanding, and investigate “how human tutors and machines (ChatGPT) could work together to achieve an educational objective, as well as the changes and outcomes brought to the education field (e.g., evolutionary or revolutionary). This session was chaired by Prof. Krishna Reddy, Data Science and Analytics Centre (DSAC), IIIT, Hyderabad. Based on his experience and exposure he suggested more use of innovative technologies in the field of education. Prof. D. Harichandan, University of Bombay spoke about the role of IDEA in the modern days. Dr Anbalagan, RC IGNOU, Madurai made a discussion on the presentation and Dr Dorothy, RC IGNOU, Cochin thanked the participants. This event was coordinated and organized by Prof. Mushtaq Ahmed I. Patel, MANUU, Hyderabad. Prof. Murali Manohar, President, IDEA, Prof. Romesh Verma, Secretary General, IDEA, other Office Bearers, Executive Committee of IDEA were also present on this occasion.

Analysis of Attendance and Feedback Form - 5th Meeting

In addition to the registration form the organisers arranged for collection of feedback from the participants. This information also helped to know the participants' involvement and seriousness in attending the meeting. It was good to know that after 5 days of the conduct of the meeting about 40 participants.

Profile of the participants

Based on the present job title of the participants the data is tabulated and presented in the following tables and charts.

Job title
Assistant Professor17
Associate Professor6
Research Scholar9
Grand Total40

From the data it is

ServingCOUNTA of Serving
Grand Total39

The event/interactive training was well organised and well presented.
The event / interactive training was well organised and well presented.
Strongly Agree76.92%
Grand Total100.00%

The event/interactive training was useful to me.

The event / interactive training was useful to me.
Strongly Agree79.49%
Grand Total100.00%

Ideas and concepts were presented clearly and effectively.

Ideas and concepts were presented clearly and effectively.
Strongly Agree79.49%
Grand Total100.00%

The expert/resource person was knowledgeable of the topic.

The expert/resource person was knowledgeable of the topic.
Strongly Agree79.49%
Grand Total100.00%

The personal approach and attitude of the expert/resource person in explaining and answering questions were excellent.
The personal approach and attitude of the expert/resource person in explaining and answering questions were excellent.
Strongly Agree79.49%
Grand Total100.00%

I highly recommend this event to my friends and colleagues.
I highly recommend this event to my friends and colleagues.
Strongly Agree74.36%
Grand Total100.00%

Overall, I am satisfied with this event / interactive training.
Feedback on session [Overall, I am satisfied with this event / interactive training.]
Strongly Agree79.49%
Grand Total100.00%

Any suggestions or comments you wish to make for the betterment of our future events?

This was an open-ended question and was responded to in their own words by respondents. Based on the feedback received from the online virtual meeting, it can be summarized as follows:

Positive feedback:

  • "Very nice session"

  • "Very well organized"

  • "Excellent information shared by our chairperson"

  • "Excellent session"

  • "Very useful and informative session"

  • "Wonderful learning"

  • "It was a great session"

  • "Excellent program"

  • "It was an informative session and indeed the need of the hour"

  • "It was very fruitful discussion, especially regarding artificial intelligence"

  • "Sir, continue such events that are very useful to upgrade area knowledge"

  • "Amazing session"

  • "It was highly informative and interesting"

Specific requests and suggestions:

  • "Can conduct this topic as a workshop for hands-on experiences"

  • "Please carry on with discussions on important and emerging topics affecting the education sector as a whole"

  • "Polling may be used during the session"

  • "Please organize a lecture on different ways to use AI smartly for the teaching-learning process"

  • "Kindly conduct this type of programs time to time because it's too much helpful"

Neutral/negative feedback:

  • "Nil" (meaning no specific feedback provided)

  • "No, thank you" (in response to a specific request)

  • "How to become IDEA Member?" (a question unrelated to the session)

    The feedback indicates that the participants found the session well-organized, informative, and useful. They appreciated the information shared by the guest speaker and expressed their satisfaction with the event. There were also specific requests for workshops, discussions on important topics, and lectures on AI in education. The participants' enthusiasm and positive comments suggest a successful and engaging virtual meeting.

For the latest development and fee details contact President and Secretary General, IDEA.

Prof. K. Murali Manohar, President, IDEA (
Prof. Romesh Verma, Secretary General, IDEA  (

Fifth Monthly Virtual Online Meeting

Minute-to-minute programme of monthly IDEA meeting (April 2023)



Action by




Admitting participants online 

Link Host - Prof. Patel & team, MANUU




Welcome and about the monthly meeting and Introduction of Resource Person, Chair, Discussant

Prof. Mushtaq Ahmed I. Patel,

Coordinator (Virtual Meeting), IDEA




Preliminary Remark and inviting President to take forward the meeting

Prof. D. Harichandan, Vice President, IDEA




Outline of the programme and inviting Speaker for presentation

Chairman, Virtual Meeting




Presentation - “Generative AI and Implications for Open Online and Distance Education” 

Dr Ramesh Sharma 

Director, HRDC, Dr B.R. Ambedkar University in Delhi,




Inviting Experts for discussion on theme and presentation

Chairman, Virtual Meeting





Dr. G. Anbalagan

Assistant Regional Director, IGNOU, Madurai




Inviting queries and observations from participants

Chairman, Virtual Meeting




Question and Answer / Discussion

All the participants




Address by the Chairman & Closure

Prof. P. Krishna Reddy

Data Sciences and Analytics Center (DSAC), IIIT Hyderabad




Vote of thanks

Dr J. S. Dorothy, Regional Director, RC, Cochin, IGNOU

پانچویں آئیڈیا ماہانہ آن لائن ورچوئل میٹنگ کی رپورٹ

پروفیسر مشتاق احمد آئی پٹیل

پروفیسر آف ایجوکیشن، مولانا آزاد نیشنل اردو یونیورسٹی اور

کوآرڈینیٹر، ماہانہ ورچوئل آن لائن میٹنگ آئیڈیا 

IDEA (آئیڈیا) کے بارے میں

انڈین ڈسٹنس ایجوکیشن ایسوسی ایشن (آئیڈیا) ماہرین تعلیم، پالیسی سازوں، منتظمین اور فاصلاتی اور کھلے تعلیمی اداروں کے دیگر تمام اسٹیک ہولڈرز کا ایک سرکردہ قومی پیشہ ور ادارہ ہے۔ اس میں اراکین قومی اور ریاستی اوپن یونیورسٹیوں اور روایتی اور دوہری موڈ یونیورسٹیوں سے شامل ہیں جو اوپن ڈسٹنس لرننگ (ODL-او ڈی ایل)، زرعی یونیورسٹیوں، توسیعی تعلیمی اداروں اور دیگر تعلیمی اداروں میں پروگرام پیش کرتے ہیں۔ آئیڈیا کی سالانہ کانفرنسیں اکیڈمیا، پیشہ ور افراد، پالیسی سازوں، فاصلاتی تعلیم کے ماہرین، کارکنان اور دیگر افراد کے لیے ایک پلیٹ فارم فراہم کرتی ہیں جو اوپن اینڈ ڈسٹنس لرننگ میں دلچسپی رکھتے ہیں۔ ان کانفرنسس میں خیالات کا تبادلہ ، او ڈی ایل سے متعلق تحقیقی نتائج کا اشتراک ہوتا ہے۔ آئیڈیا گزشتہ کئی برسوں سے او ڈی ایل کی ترقی، اور تحقیق کے لیے بھی کام کر رہی ہے۔ آئیڈیا نے بین الاقوامی توجہ اور شرکت کو بھی اپنی طرف متوجہ کیا ہے۔ آئیڈیا نے دس وائس چانسلرز اور ڈائریکٹرز کی گول میز کانفرنسوں کا اہتمام کیا ہے اور مزید یہ کہ آئڈیا ممبران، فاصلاتی تعلیم کے عہدیداران اور اداروں کے درمیان رابطے کے لیے اوپن آئیڈیاز کے عنوان سے نیوز لیٹرز جاری کرتا ہے۔ اب تک، آئیڈیا نے مختلف اداروں کے ساتھ مل کر ملک بھر میں 24 قومی/بین الاقوامی کانفرنسوں کا بھی انعقاد کیا۔ آئیڈیا نے دسمبر 2022 کے مہینے میں ماہانہ آن لائن ورچوئل میٹنگز منعقد کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا اور اس کی ذمہ داری پروفیسر مشتاق احمد پٹیل، مانو کو دی ، اس کے بعد پچھلے چار مہینوں سے لگاتار چار ورچوئل میٹنگز منعقد کی جا رہی ہیں، جن میں مندرجہ ذیل مقاصد کے ساتھ فیلڈ کے ماہرین اور کارکنان کو مدعو کیا جاتا ہے۔

ماہانہ ورچوئل میٹنگ کے مقاصد

  • او ڈی ایل کے میدان میں موجودہ/تازہ ترین پیش رفت سے جڑے رہنا۔

  • پالیسی سازوں/اسٹیک ہولڈرز کو او ڈی ایل کی استعداد سے واقف کروانا تاکہ اب تک نہیں پہنچے گئے افراد تک پہنچ کر ملک میں مجموعی اندراج کا تناسب (GER) میں اضافہ کروایا جائے ۔

  • او ڈی ایل کے شعبے میں پریکٹیشنرز سے ماہرانہ لیکچرز کا فائدہ حاصل کرنا۔

  • مختلف زاویوں سے او ڈی ایل کے نقطہ نظر کو سمجھنا۔

گزشتہ ماہانہ ورچوئل میٹنگز کی تفصیلات

  1. "قومی تعلیمی پالیسی - 2020 کے خصوصی حوالے سے او ڈی ایل اور تعلیم کی ڈیجیٹائزیشن (National Education Policy - 2020 with special reference to ODL and Digitisation of Education)" - پروفیسر سی آر کے مورتی، اگنو، نئی دہلی (جنوری 2023)

  2. "او ڈی ایل کے حوالے سے کراس روڈ پر تعلیم (Education at Crossroads with special reference to او ڈی ایل)" - پروفیسر ایم اسلم، سابق وائس چانسلر، نئی دہلی (فروری 2023)

  3. "اعلیٰ تعلیم میں 'گیپ' کو پُر کرنا: بین الاقوامی تعاون کا معاملہ (Bridging the 'Gap' in Higher Education: Case of International Collaboration)"- پروفیسر کے سیتاراما راؤ، وائس چانسلر، براؤ، حیدرآباد (مارچ 2023)

  4. "فاصلاتی تعلیم میں تبدیلی کی اختراعات (Transformational Innovations in Distance Education)" - پروفیسر موہن بی مینن، سابق ڈپٹی وائس چانسلر، واواسن اوپن یونیورسٹی، ملائیشیا (اپریل 2023)

پانچویں آن لائن ورچوئل میٹنگ

مئی مہینے کے پانچویں آن لائن ورچوئل میٹنگ کا عنوان "جنریٹیو اے آئی اور اوپن آن لائن اور فاصلاتی تعلیم کے لیے مضمرات (Generative AI and Implications for Open Online and Distance Education)" تھا , جسے ڈاکٹر رمیش شرما، ڈائریکٹر ایچ آر ڈی سی، ڈاکٹر امبیڈکر یونیورسٹی، نئی دہلی نے پیش کیا، جو اوپن ڈسٹنس کے شعبے میں ایک جانا پہچانا نام ہے۔ پروگرام سے پہلے گوگل فارم پر مبنی رجسٹریشن کو ہندوستان بھر کی مختلف یونیورسٹیوں کے اسٹیک ہولڈرز کی طرف سے زبردست ردعمل ملا جس نے آئیڈیا کی رسائی میں تنوع اور توسیع کی نشاندہی کی۔ پروگرام کے دوران ڈاکٹر شرما نے جنریٹیو اے آئی ٹیکنالوجی کو مثالوں (لائیو ڈیموسٹریشنز) اور لیکچر کے ساتھ واضح کیا، جسے شرکاء نے بہت پسند کیا۔ انہوں نے سامعین کو آگاہ کیا کہ تعلیم میں جنریٹیو اے آئی کی آمد، خاص طور پر او ڈی ایل موڈ میں مواقع اور چیلنجز دونوں پیش کرتی ہے۔ انہوں نے اس بات پر زور دیا کہ جنریٹیو اے آئی کو بہتر طور پر سمجھنے کے لیے ہمیں یہ ضروری ہے کہ اے آئی ہمیں کیا وعدہ کرتا ہے، ہمیں اس کے فلسفے کی جانچ کرنا چاہیے، ایک نظریاتی تفہیم پیدا کرنا ہے، اور اس بات کی تحقیق کرنے کی ضرورت ہے کہ "انسانی ٹیوٹرز اور مشینیں (ChatGPT) ایک تعلیمی مقصد کو حاصل کرنے کے لیے کس طرح مل کر کام کر سکتی ہیں"۔ اس سیشن کی صدارت پروفیسر کرشنا ریڈی، ڈیٹا سائنس اینڈ اینالیٹکس سنٹر آئی آئی آئی ٹی، حیدرآباد نے کی۔ اپنے تجربے کی بنیاد پر انہوں نے تعلیم کے میدان میں جدید ٹیکنالوجی کے زیادہ استعمال کی تجویز پیش کی۔ پروفیسر ڈی ہری چندن، بمبئی یونیورسٹی نے جدید دور میں آئیڈیا کے کردار کے بارے میں بات کی۔ ڈاکٹر انبلگن، ریجنل سینٹر اگنو، مدورائی نے پریزنٹیشن پر بحث کی اور ڈاکٹر ڈوروتھی، ریجنل سینٹر اگنو نے شرکاء کا شکریہ ادا کیا۔ اس تقریب کو پروفیسر مشتاق احمد آئی. پٹیل، مانو، حیدرآباد نے مربوط اور منظم کیا تھا۔ اس موقع پر پروفیسر مرلی منوہر، صدر، آئیڈیا، پروفیسر رومیش ورما، سکریٹری جنرل، آئیڈیا، دیگر عہدیداران، آئیڈیا کی ایگزیکٹو کمیٹی بھی اس موقع پر موجود رہی۔


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